The ÃÈ·­µ¼º½ Office of Workforce Development is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) to support and strengthen Career Education at ÃÈ·­µ¼º½. The RFP linked below provides the background information and procedures for applying for funds for the 2025-26 fiscal year. It combines the application process for two funding streams: Perkins V and the Strong Workforce Program (SWP).

The timeline for the RFP process is as follows:

  • December 6, 2024: Request for Proposals released 
  • December 2024–February 2025: Workforce team is available by appointment to provide help sessions for applicants. Email Cece Jones at to schedule an appointment. 
  • February 4, 2025: Technical Assistance Webinar (email for invitation) 
  • February 14, 2025: Deadline to submit technology requests to ITS for review, per directions in RFP. 
  • March 7, 2025 by 11:59 PM PST: Proposals due via SurveyMonkey Apply 
  • April 2025: Allocation Subcommittee meets to make funding decisions 
  • May 2025: Tentative Awards Announced

RFPs will be processed using Survey Monkey Apply (SMApply) again this year.

All proposals requesting computers, software, or other technology must get approval from Information Technology Services (ITS) and may also require approval from the Office of Online Learning and Educational Technology (OLET). This will allow ITS and OLET to ensure that requests meet the relevant technology standards, are in alignment with overarching technology plans, and ensure that the College has sufficient capacity to service any new hardware or software purchased. The purpose of this review is not to assess the efficacy of your proposal, which means you can submit your itemized technology requests for approval while you are developing the rest of your application. 


Funding News

Below are the set of awards we have made to date using Perkins V available funds and the recommendations from the CE Allocations Subcommittee. 

Perkins Awards by Department

Perkins FY 25 Awards
Biotechnology $57,483.00
Fire Science $126,559.00
Fashion $59,666.00
Health Education $128,570.00
Photography $77,743.00
Physical Education: Athletic Coaching $40,820.00
Total to programs $490,841.00
Total Perkins FY 25 award $932,292.00
Total % of Award to Programs 53%
Perkins FY 24 Awards
Biotechnology $54,714.00
BEMA $49,666.00
Cinema $33,070.00
Dental $55,083.00
EMS $69,959.00
Fashion $33,023.00
Photography $69,186.00
Physical Education: Athletic Coaching $28,105.00
Total to programs $392,806.00
Total Perkins FY 25 award $787,266.00
Total % of Award to Programs 50%

Perkins FY 23 Awards (Archived)
Fashion $38,686.00
Administration of Justice/Fire Science $84,079.00
Architecture $54,048.00
CNIT $77,636.00
GIS $8,250.00
BioTech $57,374.00
Business - Credit $16,788.00
BEMA $40,410.00
Cinema $22,438.00
Health Education $11,917.00
LVN $42,750.00
Health Information Technology $9,879.00
HCT - MA $33,011.00
Grand Totals $497,266.00

Workshops: (Archived)

Request for Proposals Combined Categorical Funding Opportunity Adult Education, Perkins, and Strong Workforce Program

We will be hosting workshops to assist interested applicants with the proposal development process for 2020-2021 Adult Education, Perkins and Strong Workforce Program Funding. Though not required, all interested parties are encouraged to attend one the following workshops. Fund managers are also available to provide additional technical assistance by appointment.


  • October 15, 2019
  • January 10, 2020

Technical Assistance Webinar

  • DATE:  TBA
  • TITLE: “SWP, Perkins, Adult Education Program Funding Opportunity: Technical Assistance Webinarâ€

In addition, the Office of Workforce and Economic Development is available to provide technical assistance during the application process. Please contact one of the following administrators if you have any questions.

Perkins News Archive

Perkins/SWP RFP Workshop Content

The ÃÈ·­µ¼º½ Office of Workforce Development is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) to support and strengthen Career Education at ÃÈ·­µ¼º½. The RFP linked below provides the background information and procedures for applying for funds for the 2024-25 fiscal year. It combines the application process for two funding streams: Perkins V and the Strong Workforce Program (SWP).

The timeline for the RFP process is as follows:

  • Technical support webinar – February 6, 2024
  • Technology requests due to ITS – February 16, 2024
  • Department and Collaborative applications due – March 8, 2024
  • CTE Allocations Subcommittee meeting – April 2024
  • Funding decisions announced – Mid-May 2024

RFPs will be processed using Survey Monkey Apply (SMApply) again this year.

All proposals requesting computers, software, or other technology must get approval from Information Technology Services (ITS) and may also require approval from the Office of Online Learning and Educational Technology (OLET). This will allow ITS and OLET to ensure that requests meet the relevant technology standards, are in alignment with overarching technology plans, and ensure that the College has sufficient capacity to service any new hardware or software purchased. The purpose of this review is not to assess the efficacy of your proposal, which means you can submit your itemized technology requests for approval while you are developing the rest of your application. 

Perkins/SWP RFP Workshop Content

January 25, 2018

Please review the following workshop content for support completing your Perkins/SWP application. Further questions can be directed to John Halpin at or Alina Varona at

  • (link to YouTube)

Perkins/SWP RFP Now Available

December 8, 2017

All applications must be received at the Perkins office at Cloud 404 (Ocean Campus) by no later than 4:00pm on Thursday, February 8, 2018.

The application deadline has been extended to 4:00pm on Monday, February 12, 2018.

Perkins/SWP Allocation Subcommittee Meeting

October 23, 2017

The CTE Steering Committee Perkins/SWP Allocation Subcommittee Meeting will convene on Friday, October 27, 2017 from 10:00am-12:00pm at Rosenberg 518 to discuss proposed changes to the Perkins/SWP RFP timeline and review rubric. All are welcome to attend.

The Office of Workforce & Economic Development announces the release of the 2017-18 Applications for Perkins & Strong Workforce Program funds. Below find the RFP, Department and Collaborative applications, and more: