Harm reduction is a method for managing the harm caused by the use of drugs and alcohol. Unlike 12 Step and other abstinence based programs, clients are not mandated to stop all substance use, unless that is their goal. The therapist helps the client to lay out the harm being done to themselves and to others and then the client, in individual or group therapy, works to reduce the harm that is being done, establishing goals and implementing gradual, realistic steps to achieve them.
- - The Stonewall Project is a family of programs dedicated to providing harm reduction-based counseling, treatment, and support services to gay men, trans men who have sex with men, and other men who have sex with men who are having issues with drugs and/or alcohol.
- - LifeRing Secular Recovery is an abstinence-based, worldwide network of individuals seeking to live in recovery from addiction to alcohol or to other non-medically indicated drugs.
- - A Buddhist Approach to Recovering from Addiction
- - National website for Narcotics Anonymous