Transfer to One of the Nine UC Campuses

The UC Transfer Hub is a comprehensive site with transfer information, planning tools, financial aid, and more.

Planning to transfer to a UC? There are five main components for transfer to one of the 9 campuses of the University of California.

The Transfer Basics

1. What is a transfer student to the UC?

  • Any student who graduates from high school and has been enrolled in a regular session at another college or university after the summer of his/her high school graduation.
  • A student who meets this definition cannot disregard his or her college record and apply as a freshman to the UC.

2. What is a California community college transfer student to the UC?

  • enrolled at one or more California community colleges for at least two terms (excluding summer sessions), and
  • the last college before admission to a UC campus was a California community college (excluding summer sessions), and
  • completed at least 30 semesters (45 quarter) UC transferable units at one or more California community colleges

3. Do California community college transfer students have priority for admission over other transfer applicants?

Yes, including higher priority than those transferring from another UC or from a CSU, or those transferring from out-of-state.

4. What are the minimum eligibility requirements for transfer admission to UC from a California community college?

The following are the minimum eligibility criteria for admission to UC as a transfer* student:

  • Complete 60 UC transferable semester units (90 quarter units) with a 2.4 GPA (2.8 for California nonresidents) or better.
  • Complete the following seven-course pattern requirement, with a grade of "C" or better in each course:
    • Two UC transferable English Composition courses **
    • One UC transferable college math course. Choose from: ECON 5, MATH 75, 80, 90, 97, 100A, 100B, 110A, 110B, 110C, 115, 120, 125, 130, PSYC 5
      • Please consult the complete list of UC Transferable Courses for possible transfer credit limitations.
    • Four UC transferable courses (3 sem/4-5 qtr units each) from at least two of the following subject areas:
      • Arts and Humanities
      • Social and Behavioral Sciences
      • Physical and Biological Sciences

Note: If students satisfy the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) prior to transferring to the UC, they may satisfy the seven-course pattern outlined above, depending on the courses taken. It is important to note, that completion of IGETC is not a minimum eligibility requirement for admission to the UC. For more information, visit .

5. What general advice can you give me regarding planning for transfer to the UC?

  • Complete English and Math requirements as early as possible. If at all possible, complete these courses prior to applying.
  • While completing minimum admission requirements, focus on completing major preparation course work whenever possible.
  • For fall transfers, complete all courses by end of spring quarter prior to transfer
  • Apply to several UC campuses (the filing fee is $70.00 per campus; fee waivers are available to those who qualify). The rate of acceptance increases significantly for students who apply to several UC campuses. More than 90 percent of students who apply to four or more campuses are admitted to one of their choices!

6. When do I apply to the UC?

Visit  for information about application filing periods.

7. Does the UC require a language other than English for transfer admission as a junior?

The UC does not require completion of a language other than English for admission (i.e., to fulfill the minimum eligibility requirements for admission) as an upper-division transfer student from the community college. However, specific colleges or programs at UC campuses may require a language other than English as part of their breadth or major requirements. Students who plan to complete IGETC to fulfill lower division GE requirements must complete a language other than English. See the UC General Education section on the UC Transfer Basics page.

8. Which UC campuses offer Guaranteed Admission to City College students?

Davis, Irvine, Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara & UC Santa Cruz. Go to Guaranteed Admission for guidelines, timelines and procedures to submit a Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) contract.

1. What is UC Major Preparation?

In addition to completing the admission requirements for the UC, it is essential that you complete the Freshman and Sophomore requirements in your major.

  • Many majors will not accept you if you have not completed these courses which prepare you to be a true "junior-level transfer".
  • Major Preparation is particularly critical for the sciences and engineering majors, and highly selective majors and campuses.

2. Where can I find the lower division requirements for my Major?

  • These major agreements can be accessed at .
  • If a UC or major is not available at this website, work with a counselor at City College or at the university to choose courses that fulfill your lower-division major requirements.
  • In addition, lower-division requirements in the major are listed in the UC catalogs at *
    • *This is a paid service, however, you have a free trial option. If you choose to continue usage, a subscription will be required. Most UCs post their catalogs on their campus websites also.

3. What is ASSIST?

  • ASSIST is the official California state repository of articulation of courses among public post-secondary educational institutions.
  • ASSIST includes articulation (equivalencies) for majors, general education and course-to-course.

4. Which UC campuses offer my major?

 Go to .

5. What should I do if I am not sure of my major?

  • Start researching major/career options immediately. Do not procrastinate.
  • Enroll in courses of interest that fulfill general education (G.E.) requirements. Talk to instructors about their fields of study.
  • Explore universities/majors by visiting  or Exploring Majors at the UCs.
  • Meet with a Counselor in the Career Center to discuss your choice of major
  • Choose a program that interests you (usually that means that you are good at it!)

6. What is an impacted major or program?

When more applications are received in the initial filing period (Usually Oct 1-Nov 30 for the following fall) from UC eligible applicants than can be accommodated by the campus.

If you are interested in an impacted major, you must apply during the initial filing period. You will be subject to supplementary admission criteria.

7. Is it possible to transfer without having chosen a major?

Most UCs will not accept you as a transfer student if you have not chosen and prepared for a major. The CA state budget crisis has resulted in a highly competitive transfer admissions process whereby completion of lower-division requirements for a specific major may be one type of screening criteria.

8. Where can I find more information regarding transfer to the UC?

1. What is general education to the UC?

General Education consists of a variety of courses from a broad range of disciplines designed to give students exposure to many different areas of study. These GE courses are part of your required 60 transferable semester units. There are two patterns from which a student may choose from:

  •  IGETC
  • Campus Specific GE

Note: completion of GE is not required to transfer and should be secondary to completion of major preparation coursework.

2. What is IGETC?

  •  IGETC is the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum which students can use to transfer to either the UC or the CSU. (There are a few requirements on the pattern that pertain to only the UC or CSU.)  Not all colleges and majors accept IGETC, although all will use most of its courses for credit towards a General Education pattern.
  • IGETC is primarily for students who have not decided on a campus or a particular major
  • IGETC is appropriate for majors that do not require an extensive amount of lower division course preparation.
  •  Check with a counselor to see if following IGETC is appropriate for your major.)

3. How do I know which GE pattern to follow?

Your unique circumstance (previous college work, major focus) will determine which plan is best for you. Some majors prefer that you do not concentrate heavily on general education. Meet with a counselor to determine which plan meets your needs.

4. What City College courses meet the requirements for IGETC?

View the ÃÈ·­µ¼º½ IGETC Sheet

5. Which Colleges and/or Departments at the individual UC campuses do not recommend IGETC or will not accept IGETC?


1. What does 'eligibility to the UC' mean?

Meeting minimum requirements for UC admission

2. What does 'selection to the UC' mean?

  • Minimum eligibility requirements may not be sufficient for you to obtain entrance to the campus or major of your choice.
  • Each UC campus establishes screening (selection) criteria designed to make selections where there are more applicants than spaces available. (See links below)

3. In general what are some special applications and screening procedures?

Some colleges and schools at the UC have special application requirements or screening procedures for students applying to certain majors and programs of study. For example, a student who is applying as a fine arts major may be required to submit a portfolio or audition as part of the application process. Another type of program may require the student to complete a special application form.

In general, students who transfer to the UC at the junior level are expected to have completed most, if not all, of the lower-division coursework required in their major.

Many programs listing special screening procedures are found at the Screening Procedure links below.

4. What majors screen for major preparation in the selection process?

UC Majors that screen for major preparation in the selection process.

5. Where can I find additional screening criteria for the UC?

Many times screening criteria are listed in:

  • Academic programs on campus websites
  • catalogs* (paper or electronic)
    • *This is a paid service, however, you have a free trial option. If you choose to continue usage, a subscription will be requiredMost UCs post their catalogs on their campus websites also.
  • articulation agreements on .

1. What are UC electives?

UC Electives are UC transferable courses that can be selected to reach the goal of 60 transferable semester units. 

2. Does every transfer student take electives?

Most transfer students take electives. However, students with high unit majors may not need to take electives, because preparation work for their major (along with minimum eligibility requirements) reaches or exceeds the required 60 semester units.

3. What criteria should I use in choosing UC electives?

The choice is entirely up to the student as long as the course is transferable and stays within guidelines and limitations listed on the UC TCA

Some suggestions are to take courses for:

  • gaining skills for the job market
  • increasing the depth and breadth of your major
  • preparing for a minor at the university
  • improving speaking, writing, reading, organizational, personal skills
  • learning a second language
  • balancing your study load
  • interest, fun, health

4. How do electives fit into the overall Transfer Track to the UC?

A student must complete at least 60 transferable semester units (including admission requirements, preparation in the major, selection criteria, general education and electives) in order to transfer successfully to the UC as a Junior.

Explore the UC Campuses