Funds for Club Activities

When a club is recognized by the Associated Students Council each semester, they have the ability to receive base allocation money, or seed money to spend on club activities. If a club wants to host an event that will cost more than what they have been initially allocated or have been able to fundraise, they can receive an additional allocation from the ICC if all the necessary steps are followed. Below you will find information on base allocations and additional allocations.

Base Allocations

In the Fall semester, your club must complete all the steps of the recognition process by the fourth week into the semester for $200.00 and by the sixth week into the semester for $100.00. Deadlines will be posted with specific dates on the ICC main homepage.

In the Spring semester, your club must complete all the steps of the recognition process by the third week into the semester for $200.00 and by the fifth week into the semester for $100.00. Deadlines will be posted with specific dates on the ICC main homepage.

Your club’s base allocation should be used as seed money for future fundraising events, club activities, and other campus-wide events. 

A club must spend or forfeit the base allocation within one academic year. If the base allocation is spent, any additional funds (e.g. fundraised or donated money) may be rolled over into your club account for the following academic year (one full academic year is from August through May) by completing the Request to Rollover Funds Form. These funds will rollover automatically from Fall to Spring, but not from Spring to the following Fall. If you have fundraised or donated money in your club account at the end of the Spring Semester, and do not complete the Request to Rollover Funds Form, your club will lose that money and it will be rolled into the Associated Students funds.

Additional Allocations

Each semester a club can request up to $500 in additional allocations for matching funds or campus-wide events by submitting thorough proposals to the ICC Finance Committee. Below you will find an outline of the ICC proposal process as well as the link to the Proposal Form template.

The Process
Step 1
Submitting the Proposal
Request for ICC Funds Proposal Forms must be submitted to the ICC Finance Committee 21 days before the event (or else be subject to receive only 75% of the requested amount). You will either choose to request Campus Wide Funds or Matching Funds. Campus Wide Fund events are free and open to the public. Matching Fund events do not have to be open to the public and you can charge an admissions fee to the event, but your club must also put in the same amount requested in the proposal for no more than $1,000.00 to be spent on one event (i.e. $500.00 from the club and $500.00 from ICC). Submit a hard copy to the VP of ICC and an electronic copy to the ICC email address:
Step 2
ICC Finance Committee
The ICC Finance Committee will review your proposal. A representative from your club (preferably a club officer) MUST attend the ICC Finance Committee meeting to present the proposal and answer questions of the committee members. The committee may reject the proposal, ask for it to be resubmitted, or make a recommendation to the ICC to approve your proposal.
Step 3
ICC General Assembly Meeting
If the ICC Finance Committee makes a recommendation to approve the proposal, a representative from your club must then present the proposal at the next ICC General Assembly meeting (with the amended changes, if applicable). Bring copies of your proposal and be prepared to answer questions. The ICC will vote to either approve or deny the allocation of requested funds.
Step 4
What's next?
The club will spend the money using payment vouchers or requisitions for performers, food, decorations, etc. When you fill out a payment voucher for example, you will use the Campus Wide Fund account number 731032 because the money approved from your proposal is put into this account for your use. If you received Matching Funds, you will use the account 731033. You will also need to transfer money from your club account to the Matching Funds account 731033 so that the Administrative Services Office can see that you have matched the funds. Speak to the Management Assistant or the Associate Dean of Student Activities if you have questions about how to do the paperwork once the funding was approved by the ICC General Assembly.

The Request for ICC Funds Proposal Form

The four components of the proposal include:

  1. Proposal Form – Fill out all parts of the form, which you can get by emailing the VP of the ICC.
  2. If you need more room for explanation, you may attach additional sheets of paper. You may also attach a flyer or brochure of the event/field trip/conference if you think it will help your case.
  3. Line item budget – Template is included in the Proposal Form
  4. Club minutes – Attach a copy to proposal showing that your club did approve to spend club money in the way it is stated in the proposal