Start Taking Classes at Mission Center!

Welcome to the Mission Campus! Whether you are interested in learning English, improving your job skills, working toward a degree, or learning for the joy of it, this is a great place to study.

View Mission Center Class Schedule

Mission Center Hours
Mission Center is open the following hours for registration and information:

Monday - 8:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday - 8:00am - 6:00pm
Wednesday - 8:00am - 6:00pm
Thursday - 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday - 8:00am - 1:30pm
Saturday - 8:00am - 1:30pm
Sunday - Closed

For more information, contact the Mission Center Admission & Enrollment Office by phone:
415-920-6000 or 415-920-6067 (leave a voice message)
Email us:

Studying as a Noncredit Student

Follow these steps to start taking noncredit classes at the Mission Center.

Steps to Become a Noncredit Student

Studying as a Credit Student

Follow these steps to start taking credit classes at the Mission Center.

Steps to Become a Credit Student

Have Questions?

Staff in the Admissions and Enrollment Office are here to help you start your educational journey at ÃÈ·­µ¼º½'s Mission Campus. You are just a few steps away from a successful beginning. Use our Virtual help desk or contact us at 415-920-6000!

¿Tiene preguntas?

El personal de la Oficina de Admisiones e Inscripción está aquí para ayudarle a comenzar su viaje educativo en el Centro de Misión de ÃÈ·­µ¼º½. Usted está a sólo unos pasos de un comienzo exitoso. Utilice nuestro servicio de ayuda virtual o llame al telefono 415-920-6000

How to register for Credit and Non-Credit classes ~ Cómo inscribirse en las clases de Crédito y Sin Crédito

Register For Classes


You can also email us ~ También puede enviarnos un correo electrónico

Or leave a message ~ o deje un mensaje - 415-920-6000

For Academic Counseling (Bilingual English/ Spanish) click her and ask for Bilingual counselor

Para la Consejería Académica (Inglés/Español) haga clic abajo y pregunte por un consejero/a bilingue

Meet with a Counselor  ~ 415-920-6056