Culinary Arts Basic Training Courses

CABT 9000, Introduction to Culinary Fundamentals

PREREQ.: ESLN 3600 or TRST 2322 or (placement into ESLN 3700 or TRST 3331); TRST 2421 or placement in TRST 3421

Introduction to kitchen basics, including equipment use, safety, and sanitation. In addition, this course focuses on culinary fundamentals such as knife skills, classic cooking methods and preparation, vocabulary, and basic kitchen math.

Units: 0
Credit type: Noncredit
CABT 9001, Hospitality Customer Service Skills


Teaches specific skills to effectively deal with customers and clients in the hospitality industry. For the front-line employee who is the first point of contact with customers.

Units: 0
Credit type: Noncredit