Photography Courses
ADVISE: Readiness for college-level English or ESL 188
Photography can be used as a powerful tool for social change. This course examines the historic and contemporary role that photography has played in activist activities throughout the United States and abroad.
ADVISE: Readiness for college-level English or ESL 188
This course will address the history of photography from its invention until 1945. Included are discussions and illustrated lectures of the lives and achievements of important photographers and processes of the time. Students visit museums to view photographs and participate in class discussions.
ADVISE: Readiness for college-level English or ESL 188
This course examines various aspects of photography, including photographers, photographs, and technical innovations, within their historical, social and cultural contexts. Although students will study photography as it has been applied to journalism, science, fashion, advertising, etc., emphasis will be on photography as art.
ADVISE: Readiness for college-level English or ESL 188
An introduction to photography aesthetic and technical skills, including manual functions of digital cameras, image creation and capture, file management and workflow, image adjustment and digital printing. The course will also introduce students to important historical and contemporary practitioners. Group critiques and practical labs using the camera and Adobe Software will help develop ideas and technical skills. This course is a major and certificate requirement.
Students should own a 35mm digital camera with manual operations such as ISO, shutter and aperture or arrange to borrow one from the department.
Professional photographers present and discuss their work in technical and aesthetic terms, a unique opportunity for photography students to be exposed to renowned photographers and discus topics in question and answer format.
An introductory Photoshop course that emphasizes the technical aspects of digital post production workflow in photography.
Formerly Beginning Photoshop
An in-depth exploration of Photoshop and related tools that will provide students with skills to create expressive images and explore various methods of output. Students will integrate available equipment and resources in preparation for a rapidly changing field.
Formerly Intermediate Photoshop.
Creation of film negatives from digital files for use in a traditional darkroom. Students will perfect their negatives in the digital realm, output them using digital techniques, and then print them using traditional, historical and alternative printing methods in the
PREREQ.: PHOT 51 or demonstration of exit skills ADVISE: PHOT 100
A hands-on, how-to course in managing available light and light on location. Emphasis is on outdoor and ambient light, location light; designed to relate lighting to photo-aesthetics and visual communication.
ADVISE: PHOT 51; (PHOT 100 or VMD 101)
Introduction to the principles of black and white film photography, including the development of technical and aesthetic skills, elements of design and composition, camera technology, and an introduction to film processing and darkroom printing. Emphasis on critical issues in photography within the context of contemporary art, contemporary media, and photo history. The department may provide some materials and camera access.
Formerly Intermediate B&W Film/Darkroom
PREREQ: PHOT 81A or demonstration of exit skills
Building off of skills attained in 81A, students learn intermediate principles of black and white film photography, including the further development of technical and aesthetic skills, elements of design and composition, camera technology and intermediate film processing and darkroom printing. Emphasis on creating portfolios within the context of contemporary art, contemporary media, and photo history. The department may provide some materials and camera access.
Formerly "Advanced Black & White Darkroom"
PREREQ: PHOT 81B or demonstration of exit skills
Building off of skills attained in 81B, students learn advanced principles of black and white film photography, including the further development of technical and aesthetic skills, elements of design and composition, camera technology and advanced-level film processing and darkroom printing. Emphasis on creating portfolios within the context of contemporary art, contemporary media, and photo history. The department may provide film cameras.
PREREQ: PHOT 51 ADVISE: PHOT 100 and (ESL 188 or readiness for college- level English)
A digital photography course advancing the technical and creative concepts introduced in Beginning Photography. Topics include: Digital camera configurations, exposure control, workflow management, nondestructive editing, image manipulation and enhancement, archiving, printing options, and presentation. Discussions on visual literacy and contemporary photography as well as review of student work are integral.
PREREQ.: PHOT 51 or demonstration of exit skills ADVISE: PHOT 81A and PHOT 80
An introductory course in large format photography for professional and artistic use. Students will explore the unique applications of a manual 4x5 view camera, including perspective correction, and selective focus. Course will cover techniques needed to properly expose and process large format film, and produce digital files from negatives. Cameras and accessories are available to students.
PREREQ: PHOT 51 ADVISE: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: PHOT 100 or VMD 101 or DSGN 101
Through demonstration and hands-on experience students explore the basic and technical use of ambient, tungsten and electronic flash illumination as it is used in photography. Students will work with a variety of lighting equipment and accessories.
PREREQ: PHOT 85A and PHOT 100 or VMD 100 or demonstration of exit skills ADVISE: PHOT 83 or PHOT 102C and PHOT 60A
Studio lighting for aspiring commercial and fine art photographers with emphasis on technique and aesthetics for still life. Students will gain hands-on experience with tungsten lights, LED lights, and studio strobes at an advanced level.
PREREQ: PHOT 85A; Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: PHOT 100 or VMD 101
An advanced studio lighting course introducing students to the technical, aesthetic and commercial aspects of photographic portraiture. Working individually and in teams, students gain hands-on experience with portrait lighting techniques using photography studio light sources.
A hands-on photography course exploring the technical and aesthetic components of fashion photography that include posing, composition and lighting. Emphasis on camera handling as well as fashion dress, makeup and hairstyling.
A business course for photographers. Students will learn practical and essential business skills such as marketing, self-promotion strategies, networking, pricing, and estimating taxes.
ADVISE: Readiness for college-level English or ESL 188
Foundational design course, covering the theories, processes, vocabulary, and techniques common to visual design disciplines. Students will develop and apply their knowledge through analysis, critique and individual and collaborative exercises and projects.
Focus is on fundamentals of digital capture and camera operation and functions such as ISO, shutter speed, and aperture control. Students will also learn the foundations of aesthetics and composition for image-making.
Focus is on the fundamentals of film camera operation, black & white film processing and darkroom printing. Foundations of aesthetics and composition for black and white film image-making will be explored. The course includes open lab time to process and print black and white film.
Focus is on the fundamentals of Adobe Lightroom's Library and Develop Module and instruction on how to professionally develop and organize digital images. Setup, workflow, organization, image management, rating, editing, non-destructive image processing, and delivery of images regardless of output type will be explored. The course includes open lab time to work on images.
This course focuses on what students need to know to shoot, process and deliver images with their iPhone as a compliment to their professional photography practice. The iPhone�s basic and advanced camera controls, applications for shooting and processing images, and the principles to capture and share images with this mobile device will be explored. The course includes lab time to work on images.
This course explores the challenges and benefits associated with photographing oneself. Public versus private portraiture is thoroughly examined. Emphasis is placed on the study and application of North Light specifically as it applies to dimensional devices.
Techniques leading to a creative treatment of landscape photography using film or digital media. Illustrated lectures of important historical and contemporary image-makers. Emphasis on photographic fieldwork, interpretive lighting, design, camera technique, post production processing, and filtration to support personal vision and conceptual ideas.
An introduction to photographing people in their own environments with an emphasis on creating powerful portraits while working with and highlighting their personalities. Use of available indoor and outdoor light in multiple combinations as well as basic lighting modifers. Working successfully with subjects.
An in-depth exploration of the photographic image created through the design, construction, and use of pinhole cameras. Students will experiment with paper negatives, litho film, conventional black and white film, and contact printing methods. Demonstrations and hands-on experience and field work are emphasized.
An exploration of creating photographic images with plastic/toy cameras. Students will learn the differences between various models of plastic cameras, how to modify their cameras for optimum results, color and black and white films, working with limited exposure controls, and scanning film. The history of plastic cameras and examples of many artists' work in the medium will also be covered.
A basic course introducing scanning hardware, software and techniques used in professional settings. Scanning transparent, reflective, and three-dimensional originals, including retouching and optimizing scanned files for various uses.
PREREQ.: PHOT 51 and (PHOT 100 or VMD 101 or DSGN 101) and (PHOT 85A or PHOT 80)
Commercial and fine art applications specifically related to issues of architectural perspective control, lighting, various camera lenses, and camera accessories.
PREREQ: PHOT 51 ADVISE: (PHOT 80 or PHOT 85A) and (PHOT 100 or VMD 101)
This course explores documentary photography and its basis in and connection to photojournalism while addressing business and legal issues. Major historical, contemporary and ethical markers in the fields of documentary photography will be explored. Students will learn necessary skills necessary for successful visual storytelling including: editing, sequencing, access, flow, research, and caption writing.
PREREQ: PHOT 51 and PHOT 85A ADVISE: PHOT 83 and PHOT 81D; (PHOT 90 or PHOT 85B)
A digital photography course to help students prepare for the Phase One Certified Professional (POCP) Exam. Topics include Phase One medium format digital camera handling & configurations, tethered and non-tethered capture, device calibration, file processing, image manipulation and enhancement and output using Capture One software.
An introduction to using unmanned aerial systems (UAS) or drones. This course is designed to give the student the ability to safely and competently fly a drone. Emphasis is placed on safety, equipment selection, and flying. Provides a starting point to drone data collection for multiple disciplines and careers.
Capture One Pro is a professional level imaging software. Topics include DSLR tethering and capture, importing and processing workflow for RAW files, sessions, catalogs, color correcting, exporting, global and selective adjustments. This is a companion class to medium format Phase One camera-based class PHOT 102C.
PREREQ: PHOT 81B or PHOT 102B or PHOT 81D ADVISE: Approval of the Photography Department
Production of a portfolio in preparation for a career in commercial, documentary or fine arts photography or for transfer to a four-year institution. Focus will be on technical and aesthetic issues as well as portfolio presentation and marketing strategies.
PREREQ: PHOT 81D or PHOT 92; Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: PHOT 81B or PHOT 85B or PHOT 90 or PHOT 102B ADVISE: Approval of the Photography Department
An introductory portfolio production course in preparation for a career in commercial, documentary or fine arts photography or for transfer to a four-year institution. Focus will be on technical and aesthetic issues as well as portfolio presentation and marketing strategies.
An intermediate portfolio production course preparing students for a career in commercial, documentary or fine arts photography or for transfer to a four-year institution. Focus will be on technical and aesthetic issues as well as portfolio presentation and marketing strategies. Widens and deepens the skills, techniques, methods, and processes learned in PHOT 130A. Emphasis on personally expressive themes and content. Expanded concepts, and complexity of techniques and processes.
An advanced portfolio production course preparing students for a career in commercial, documentary or fine arts photography or for transfer to a four-year institution. Focus will be on technical and aesthetic issues as well as portfolio presentation and marketing strategies. Widens and deepens the skills, techniques, methods, and processes learned in PHOT 130A and PHOT130B. Emphasis on personally expressive themes and content. Expanded concepts, and complexity of techniques and processes.
PREREQ.: Approval of Photography Department ADVISE: PHOT 85B and PHOT 90 and PHOT 60B
Photography related work experience and further career development in a supervised setting. Work experience in an approved industry facility such as a photography studio, publication, design studio, art gallery or museum and/or production team. Or work in the photography department. Professional presence, networking, communication and interview skills are addressed. One unit of credit is earned for 54 hours of unpaid or paid work.
PREREQ.: Approval of the Photography Department
Photography related work experience and further career development in a supervised setting. On campus college work experience in ÃÈ·µ¼º½ Photography Department. Resume writing, networking, communication and interview skills. One unit of credit is earned for 54 hours of unpaid or paid work.