The Math Lab offers free math tutoring through a team of professional teaching assistants and trained student tutors. The Lab is equipped with 25 computer workstations for online homework assignments as well as tables and chairs for independent study.

*Drop in, no appointment needed

The Math Lab serves students enrolled in the following courses:

The Puente Program was historically designed to increase the number Latino students who enroll in four-year colleges and universities, earn college degrees and return to the community as mentors and  leaders to future generations. The Puente program model consists of three interrelated components: writing, counseling and mentoring. This approach provides a focused, sustained, and engaging learning environment for students.

We have information, resources and advice for students interested in teaching as a career. This includes assistance with university  transfer for advanced degrees as well as support to obtain elementary, secondary and CTE credentials.

The ÃÈ·­µ¼º½ English Department has an incredible reading and writing  center, The English Lab, in Rosenberg Library 205 (R205), where  English students at all levels can focus, receive support, and become  stronger readers and writers while achieving their course outcomes. The English Lab offers support with reading, writing, and critical thinking by providing different ways for students to interact with a wide range of learning resources: 

Effective August 19th, 2024, ÃÈ·­µ¼º½ Library and Learning Resources will pilot eliminating overdue fines for all library item check-outs. Borrowers are still responsible for returning materials on time. Overdue and lost items on a library account will result in blocks from circulation and item replacement costs. When students (current or former) have unpaid lost item replacement costs, the Library may notify the Office of Admissions and Records (A&R) and a registration hold may be placed on the student's record.

Payment of fees is due at the time of registration. Non-Payment of fees will result in a HOLD being placed on your account. This could also result in not receiving college services. Students are liable for all fees for classes not dropped by the refund deadline dates. Please see site link for more specific information regarding ÃÈ·­µ¼º½ tuition fees.

Regarding payment processing hours
Monday & Thursday:No payments processed after 4:00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday: No payments processed after 4:00pm


Student Semester Parking Permits are available for purchase every semester through your Ram ID Portal. Purchase parking permits will be mailed out two weeks before the semester starts, to your most current student mailing address on file. Please update your address if needed before purchasing the permit. Parking permits will be mailed according to the mailing schedule should you have $0 balance.


The College will provide all incoming students educational and preventative information about sexual violence as well as information
about how to seek help in the event of a sexual assault. Incoming students will receive this information during orientation or by attending Student Health Services presentations on sexual violence prevention.