Looking for a faculty instructional form?

We are currently redesigning the process of accessing instructional forms.  If you are looking for a form, please contact your Department or email wwu@ccsf.edu for a fillable form.

How Tos

Please make changes to your Census List(s) according to the following guidelines:

In accordance with Title 5 of The California Code of Regulations, you must check the No Show Box for students who have never attended your class.

If a student attended your class and subsequently stopped attending you may drop the student by checking the DropBox.

How to Submit Census in myRAM - Faculty Services

  1. Enter your User ID and PIN to log in to myRAM
  2. Go to Faculty Services and select the Summary Class List tile
  3. Select Term
  4. Select CRN
  5. Click RED Drop/No Show/Reinstate/Census link (This is below Course Information)
  6. You should be at the class list screen for the specific course. Next to each student’s name
    is a column labeled “Action”.  Click on the pulldown menu and choose the appropriate action you wish to enter for the student.
    • Note: Some actions may not be available based on deadlines.
  7. In the next column, enter the drop/last attend date for the student.  You must select the appropriate action's date range.  You will not be able to use a date for an action that has expired.
  8. Once you have completed the update for the course, make sure the “ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE BOX” is checked and click on the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page.

IMPORTANT: If you have no changes, you must still click on the “Save Changes” button. Repeat procedure for your other courses by clicking on the BLUE link labeled “Select Another Class”.

Beginning in Spring 2020, students will no longer be using Add Codes beginning on the first day of class.

  1. During the 1st week of class, if there is a “seat” available they will be able to register directly online in the myRAM portal.
  2. If the class is full or the student is on the waitlist the below process will be used. The class add authorization process will allow students to request to be added to a class after the start date.  The primary instructor of the class will have the ability to approve or deny the 

request.  Both actions will be able to be done through Myȷ.
Steps to approve a class add authorization request

  • Log into myRAM
  • Click Faculty Services
  • Click the tile labeled “Class Add Authorizations”
  • Select the effective term which you want to approve or deny a class authorization request
  • Click the “Go” button
  • Select the section from the drop-down options which you want to approve or deny a class authorization request.  Please note department chairs will have the option to enter any CRN to approve or deny a class authorization request.
  • Click the “Go” button.
  • Students that requested to be added through the class add authorization will show below waitlisted students.  Choose an appropriate option for each student.  Select approve to assign a permit into your class.  Select denied to not give the student permission into your class. Leave the action blank to make decision at a later time.
  • Click the “Go” button to submit the response.
  • If you approved the request, the student will receive an email notification to proceed to register for the section.   If you denied the request, the student will receive an email notification of the denial and to follow‐up with the primary instructor of the class.
  • Click Main Menu button or Select CRN button to approve other sections

How to Submit Grades in myRAM - Faculty Services

  1. Enter your User ID and PIN to log in to myRAM
  2. Go to Faculty Services and select the Faculty Midterm and Final Grade tile
  3. Select Term
  4. Select CRN
  5. Assign the grades using the pull down menu.  
  6. Make sure you click on the Save Grades button at the bottom of each page to save your submissions.

So you try to drop a student with their last date of attendance. The system will not accept it; you try again and it still will not accept it. You wonder out loud, “What gives?”

The state requires instructors to report accurate attendance information for each student. This is how the college receives funding and faculty are an integral part of this process. This process requires instructors to clear their attendance rolls regularly. So what does this have to do with the system rejecting the date you are trying to use?

The easiest way to illustrate this is to think of the semester as being broken up into several periods. Each period has a date range. For example, in the Fall 2015 semester, the period for a full refund runs from August 17th through August 28th. The next period is dropping without a grade notation is August 29th through September 10th and so forth. Once a particular period has passed, you can no longer use the date range associated with it. This is to prevent inaccurate reporting to the state for funding. Think of it as doors opening and closing. Consult the Faculty Instructional Calendar for key deadline dates.

This is why it is strongly emphasized that you include your attendance policy in your course syllabus and to advise your students to drop themselves if they do not want a fee assessment or grade notation. The deadlines established for students differ from those for faculty. Instructors are required to keep accurate roll. However, we receive a large amount of appeals at the end of each semester from students who claim their instructor promised to drop them before fees were assessed or before “W” or a substandard grade was assigned. This is a student responsibility and an instructor forgetting to drop a student so he/she does not get a fee assessment or a bad grade is no longer accepted as an “institutional error” and is not considered to be an extenuating circumstance.